============ Installation ============ Dependencies ------------ Although technically not a dependency, BEASTling is pretty useless without `BEAST `_ installed. The config files generated by BEASTling are only compatible with BEAST versions 2.x.y. They *will not work* with old BEAST 1.x.y installations. The latest versions of BEAST 2 are dependent upon Java version 1.8, so it's a good idea to update your Java installation before you install BEAST. Many of the config files generated by BEASTling will make use of features which are not a part of the BEAST core, but rather are implemented in packages. `Managing packages `_ is fairly straightforward using the Beauti GUI. To save headaches, you should install the BEAST_CLASSIC, BEASTlabs and morph-models packages before you do anything with BEASTling to avoid confusion. Installation methods -------------------- setup.py ~~~~~~~~ BEASTling is installed using the `setup.py` script in the root of the repository. Installation will look something like this:: $ git clone https://github.com/lmaurits/BEASTling.git $ cd BEASTling $ sudo python ./setup.py install This will install an executable `beastling`, which should be put somewhere in your default ``PATH``, so you can run it from the command line simply by typing `beastling` and hitting enter. Everything else ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coming soon!